通过对紫云山花岗岩中的黑云母进行详细的岩相学观察和矿物化学成分分析,讨论黑云母的形成环境以及其成岩成矿的意义,电子探针分析发现紫云山花岗岩中黑云母富铁贫铝高钛低镁,属于典型的铁质黑云母。其FeOTot为20.34%-21.81%,w(Al2O3)为17.11%-17.67%,w(TiO2)为3.26%-3.91%,w(MgO)为6.33%-7.26%,FeO/(FeO+MgO)为0.74-0.76,指示紫云山花岗岩属于壳源的S型花岗岩。黑云母成分还指示紫云山花岗岩形成于相对较高的温度和氧逸度环境,黑云母结晶温度为760℃-780℃,logfO2为-135 MPa--125 MPa,压力为253 MPa-322 MPa,对应侵入深度为9.56km-12.18km。此外,黑云母具有富F的特征,F质量分数为0.47%-1.73%,为铀、钨矿床的形成提供了有利条件。
The petrological, mineralogical, compositional characteristics and forming conditions of the biotites in Ziyunshan granite were discussed. Electron microprobe analysis shows that the biotites in the Ziyunshan granite belong to Fe-biotites which are relatively rich in Fe and Ti,poor in Al and Mg. The contents of FeO^Tot are 20.34%-21.81%,w(Al2O3) are 17.11%-17.67%, w(TiO2) are 3.26-3.91%,MgO are 6. 33% - 7. 26% , the ratios of FeO/(FeO+MgO) are 0.744 0.76. These characteristics implicate that Ziyunshan granite belongs to peraluminous granite. Compositional characters of the biotites show that Ziyunshan granite is formed in the relatively high temperature and oxygen fugacity environment. It shows that biotite formed at temperature(T) of 760℃-780℃, with oxygen fugacity(logfo2 ) ranging from--135 MPa to--125 MPa. The solidification pressure(P) of the biotites is 253 MPa-322 MPa,eorresponding to a solidification depth(H) of 9.56 kraal2.18 km. In addition,the biotites in Ziyunshan are rich volatile components (0.47%-1.73%) ,which is favorable for formation of uranium and tungsten deposit.