We form 11 Delaunay triangles using the coordinates of GPS stations in Baikal Lake region in the light of side length being equal as far as possible for each triangle. We carry on analysis on the velocities and strains derived from three campaigns of GPS observations, and draw preliminary conclusions. Baikal Lake is generally in the state of extension and extensional velocity is about 4.5±1.2 mm/a, with the direction of NW-SE. Strains are non-uniform and their components as well as directions are different in the east and west zones. Principal extension strains are in the direction of NW SE for both eastern and western zones, however the directions of principal compression strains are not consistent. Strains in western and eastern zones are greater than in the middle zone. The largest extensional strain is 54 × 10^-6 , and the largest compression strain -26 × 10^-6. Crust is in the state of compression for the southeastern Baikal Lake region, and compression is in the direction of NNW-SSE and NNE-SSW. The directions of shear strain in eastern and western zones are basically same, yet strains in eastern and western zones are greater than in the central zone. Area strain derived from 7 triangles show that the crust is in the state of dilation, and results from another 2 triangles demonstrate that the crust in the state of compression. Block rotations show that the blocks in eastern zone rotate clockwise, however the blocks in western and middle zones rotate counterclockwise. Present--day deformations revealed by GPS are consistent with those from geological and seismological investigations.