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  • 分类:G416[文化科学—教育学;文化科学—教育技术学]
  • 作者机构:福建工程学院国脉信息学院,福建福州350014
  • 相关基金:福建省中国特色社会主义理论体系研究中心2015年项目《新常态下大学生马克思主义意识形态话语权建构研究》(编号2015D01)的研究成果.
作者: 蒋瑞雪

面对我国经济发展新常态,当前高校意识形态工作也步入建设马克思主义意识形态话语权、建构一套科学的马克思主义意识形态话语体系为主要任务的新常态.以我国意识形态建设的关键群体-90 后大学生为研究对象,针对新常态下9 0 后大学生马克思主义意识形态话语权建设面临的新形势,高校应从话语内容、话语主体和话语载体等方面对马克思主义意识形态话语权加以创新和发展,建构一套科学的马克思主义意识形态话语体系,用来诠释、规范和指引大学生成长成才的方向和道路,实现高校意识形态建设的新发展.


Faced with the Chinese new normal in economic development, ideological work in colleges anduniversities is entering into the new normal of Marxist ideology discourse right, in which main task is toconstruct a scientific Marxist ideological discourse system. In this essay, we choose the 90s college students asthe main subjects, who are facing the new situation in the Marxist ideology discourse construction, so theuniversities should take some innovation and development in setting scientific Marxist ideology discourse systemfrom the content, discourse body, the discourse carrier and etc. The aim is to interpret, regulate and guide thecollege students' growth direction and path, and to achieve new development of university ideology construction.
