本文研究了基于G-O软件可靠性模型的最优软件发布时间问题,提出了结合风险价值VaR约束的软件测试费用优化模型,给出了在一定置信水平下VaR计算的解析式,通过Monte Carlo仿真实验,计算出软件最优发布时间,分析了仿真结果和参系数的灵敏度,并与经典G-O模型进行比较,结果显示VaR约束模型更加有效地估计了软件发布后多次软件失效的极端风险.
The paper studies optimal software release time problem based on G-O software reliabilitymodel, and proposes a new minimum software test cost model with VaR constraint. The analytic formu-la of VaR based on non-homogeneous Poisson process is obtained, and the optimal release time of soft-ware is calculated by numeric experiments based oncoefficients are analyzed, which shows that decisionMonte Carlo simulation. The results and sensitivityvariables of the model well presents the risk prefer-ence of software project manager. The comparison of classic G-O model and VaR constrain G-O model isconducted, and the resuls show the G-O model underestimats the extreme risk of multi-faults of soft-ware after release comparing with VaR constrain G-O model.