In this paper, the authors get the Krull-Schmidt theorem for Lie rings. Let L be a Lie ring satisfying the maximal and minimal conditions on ideals. If L=H1+H2+…+Hr=K1+K2+…+Ks are two Remak decompositions of L, then r = s and there is a central automorphism α of L such that, after suitable relabeling of the Kj's (if necessary), Hi^α = Ki and L = K1 + K2 +…+Kk + Hk+1 +… Hr for k = 1, 2, …, r. Furthermore, L = H1 +H2 +…+ Hr is the only Remakdecomposition of L (up to the order of factors of the direct sums) if and only if Hi^θ≤ Hi for every normal endomorphism θ of L and i = 1, 2,.., r.