In order to solve the engineering problems like large settlement that occurred when expressway was constructed on soft ground and bridgehead jump caused by settlement difference between road and b r id g e ,and to save construction materials and energy ,a new type of lightweight construction material named foamed fluid fly ash is proposed. On the basis of preliminary mix design,the technical properties of the foamed fluid fly ash, which include den sity, compressive strength,wear stability and freeze-thaw stabi l ity ,were analyzed through systemic experiments. And the effect of mix proportion on the properties was ana ly zed,too. Three mix proportions of the foamed fluid fly ash were recommended. The test results show that the content of foaming a g en t ,cement and water have a significant effect on the performance of the foamed fluid fly a sh. When the foaming agent content increased from 0 to 1 / 30 ,the dry d en sity,7 d-age compressive strength, water stability coefiicient and freeze-thaw stability coefiicient of the foamed fluid fly ash were reduced by 23 % ,50%,10% -23% and 20%,respectively. When the cement content increased from 8 % to 2 0 % , the 7 dage compressive strength,water stability and freeze-thaw stability coefficient were increased by 58.1%,38.2% and 20. 9%,respectively. When the water content increased from 40% to 60 %,the dry density of the foamed fluid fly ash was decreased by about 25% . The dry density of the foamed fluid fly ash under the recommended mix proportion was 40% lower than that of the ordinary soi l. The foamed fluid fly ash is a nice and lightweight construction material.