In the ultrasonic imaging,high peak-side-lobe level causes artifacts,affecting the quality of ultrasonic imaging.Based on the characteristics of ultrasonic transducer,the relevance between the peak-side-lobe level after pulse compression and the bandwidth、scanning time of linear frequency modulation signal(LFM)after exciting the ultrasonic transducer was studied and the corresponding tapering/filtering scheme was designed to suppress the peak-side-lobe level.Theoretical analysis and experimental results have shown that the peak-side-lobe level after pulse compression of LFM signal exciting the transducer decreases with the increase of the bandwidth and scanning time of LFM signal.The error function erf(B)and erf(T)were obtained by comparing the difference between theoretical analysis and experiment.The tapering/filtering scheme of Kaiser window function has solved the tradeoff problem of pulse compression resolution and the peak-side-lobe level better,compared with the tapering/filtering schemes of Tukey and Dolph-Chebyshev window functions.