The Huanghe (Yellow) River Water Supply Area of Gannan lies in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,so it can be considered as the important part of the water tower of China and the protection of its water resources is crucial.The minimum-data approach,which integrates the spatial heterogeneity of the biophysical environment and the economic behavior of farmers,is a transparent and cost effective tool to quantify the effect of financial incentives in the conservation of water resource.Policy relevant information can be generated without the need to conduct expensive field survey and to set up more elaborate economics simulation models.The paper makes use of the precipitation storage model to simulate the additional water conservation from grazing to grazing prohibition,then applies the minimum-data approach to simulate the supply curve of the water conservation of the grassland ecosystem from the spatial distribution of opportunity cost per unit of water conservation.The results show that it is theoretically possible to increase water conservation quantity by implementing the ecological compensation in the Huanghe River Water Supply Area of Gannan,and the initial equilibrium supply of water before farmers are given payments is 5.954 × 107 m3.When the compensation standard of the Hezuo,Xiahe,Maqu,Luqu,Zhuni and Lintan respectively equal to 1024.3 yuan/ha,999.79 yuan/ha,861.74 yuan/ha,1008.54 yuan/ha,585.54 yuan/ha and 983.22 yuan/ha,all of the degradation grassland will be prohibited from grazing,the additional water conservation will equals to 2.253 × 109 m3 in the Huanghe River Water Supply Area of Gannan.That is to say,it would be technically and economically feasible to pay farmers to increase water conservation quality and secure the water tower of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.This water supply curve can be used by policy decision makers to assess how much farmers are willing to supply at a given price per unit of water.Integrated with an assessment of how much water is expected,the efficient water and grassland protecti