三叠系龙介类化石在欧洲早有报道。在我国四川江油渔洞子剖面下三叠统飞仙关组底部牙形刺Hindeodus pavus带微生物岩中首次发现环节动物龙介类化石Spirorbis phlyctaena,与以蓝菌为主的自养型底栖微生物群落共生,是早三叠世生物复苏的先驱者。
This paper reports the first discovery of Spirorbis phlyctaena in China which was found in the microbialite at the bottom of the Lower Triassic Feixianguan Formation(Greisbachian) of the Yudongzi Section of Jiangyou, Si- chuan Province. It offers information about the composition, structure and paleoecology of the Early Triassic biologic community associated with the benthic microbial community. The occurrence of serpulid spirorbis belonging to annelida in the zone of conodont Hindeodus parvus further in- plies that annelida is one of pioneers of Early Triassic biologic recovery. In comparison with S. phlyctaena found in Siusi Member of the Werfen Formation from northern Italy, the S. phlyctaena at the bottom of the Lower Triassic Feixianguan Formation is nearly same in size. The Lilliput efficiency happens in brachiopod Lingunella but not in ser pulid spirorbis.