光学频率标准会受到环境温度的黑体辐射影响发生频移,进而影响其准确度.本文估算了珀。199^Hg+的超精细能级5d^106s1/2(F=0)和5d^96s^2 2^D5/2(F=2)的极化率,得到了室温(300K)下黑体辐射引起的相对频移为-5.4x10^-7,最后讨论了低温环境下黑体辐射对199^Hg+光频标的影响.
The background blackbody radiation causes the shift of the hyperfine energy level and affects the accuracy of the optical frequency standard. The polarizabilities of the hyperfine energy levels 5d^106s^2S1/2 (F = 0) and 5d^96s^2 2^D5/2 (F = 2) of 199Hg+ are evaluated and the relative frequency shift at room temperature due to blackboby radiation is calculated to be -5.4 x 10^-17. Finally the effect of blackbody radiation on single 199^Hg+ optical frequency standard is discussed at an ultralow temperature.