为了消除煤层顶板砂岩高承压水的威胁,通过回采前在工作面切眼里段开展井下大型放水试验,观察不同疏放水量下的水位降深情况,从而得出了顶板高承压含水层疏水降压的可行性。结果表明:经过一段时间的疏放,总放水量从最大为223.2 m^3/h(Y37-3)衰减至20~30m^3/h;水压从最初的5MPa将至0.38MPa,降幅很明显,从而得出顶板高承压含水层疏水降压是可行的;同时,提出了矿井进行回采的标准,为后期工作面的疏放水工作奠定了基础。
In order to eliminate the threat of high pressure water in sandstone on the seam roof, the feasibility of the dewatering and depressurizing was determined according to a large underground dewatering test before mining work and observing the water drawdown under different water discharge. The results showed that the total water discharge decreased from 223.2m^3/h(Y37-3) to 20~ 30m^3/h and the water pressure from 5MPa to 0. 38MPa after dewatering. The decline is obvious, and the dewatering and depressurizing was feasible.