蒙陕接壤区侏罗系深埋煤层开采过程中,掌握不同阶段矿井涌水量变化规律,是保障煤矿 安全的关键.从含水层发育特征、巷道掘进进尺、采空区半径等方面开展了相关研究,结果表明: 蒙陕接壤区煤层顶板导水裂缝带范围内的3层复合含水层,富水性差异较大,分别对巷道掘进阶 段和工作面回采阶段涌水量影响较大.煤矿建井阶段,矿井涌水量随着巷道掘进进尺增加而增加, 但单位进尺涌水量变化不大,平均涌水量为0.008 32 m3/( h. m).工作面回采前将钻孔水量降至5.0 m3/ h 以下,水压降至1.0 MPa左右,实现了顶板含水层静储量充分疏放目标.首采面和接续面回 采阶段,矿井涌水量呈“阶梯式”平穗增加,矿井涌水量与采空区半径呈线性正相关关系.通过对 侏罗系深埋煤层开采过程中矿井涌水量变化规律和影响因素的研究,可以为其他矿井建设和工作 面回采提供安全保障和科学依据.
Variation characteristics of mine inflow are the key for coal mine safety during exploitation of the deep buried coal seams in Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia contiguous area. The characteristics and influence fac- tors(e.g. hydrogeological conditions, roadway tunneling footage and radius of mining goaf) were studied. The results showed that there were three aquifers within range of water flowing fractured zone in Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia contiguous area. Different groundwater inflow affected greatly roadway tunneling and working face mining. Mine water inflow increased with roadway tunneling footage gradually,but unit mine water inflow changed little and the average mine water inflow was 0.008 32 m3/(h-m). When hole water yield and water pressure decreased to less than 5.0 m3/h and 1.0 MPa respectively before extraction, static reserves of roof aq-uifer were drained completely. Mine water inflow showed stepped gradual increase during the first working face and continuous working face mining. There was a very good linear positive correlation between mine water in-flow and radius of goaf. The above research could provide security and scientific basis for other coal mine con-structing and working face mining.