The perspective effect is a kind of phenomenon which refers to the four card selection task ; when the participants test the condition rules from different perspectives, the selection bias steadily changes in the card p, q and p, q. The perspective effect has an important impact on the four card selection task. So far, its existing conditions and mechanism remain controversial. The current study employed three experiments to investigate the effect of perspective effects on the four card selection task and its mechanism. In Experiment 1, we asked the participants to go through different four card selection tasks of the social conversion model, the causal model and the abstract model from different perspectives to explore the perspective effect. We used a 3 ( rule type : social conver sion rule model, causal rule model, and abstract rule model) 2 ( perspective : p & q condition, p & q condition) repeated measures design. The p & q condition makes the participants more inclined to choose p & q combination of experimental condi tions. The p & q condition is similar to this. In Experiment 2, we used the same design as Experimentl to explore which condition was easier to generate the abstract hales of the perspective effect when providing counter examples and the necessary and sufficient con ditions with rich contents of the abstract rules. Experiment 3 further studied the essential relationship between the four card selection task and the corresponding conditional reasoning. In conditions reasoning, we use a 2 (perspective) 2 ( rule type) 4 ( reasoning form) mixed design. Perspectives between the variables were tested with two levels ( p & q conditions ; p & q conditions). There were two levels of rule types which is the conversion of social contractual and non contractual society. Each rule type has four forms of reasoning, namely modus ponens, affirming the consequent, modus tottens, and denying the antecedent. Rule types and reasoning forms were within