栓菌属Trametes的一些近缘种宏观和微观形态学非常相近,传统分类学方法难于对其进行准确分类定位。测定了34个分类单元的ITS(包括5.8SrDNA)序列,并对得到的43个分类单元的ITS序列进行系统发生分析,构建了聚类分析树状图。该树状图显示,栓菌属类群与其他属类群明显分开,Trametes versicolor聚类到一个高支持率的独立分支。形态学上定名为T.hirsuta和T.pubescens物种聚类到同一高支持率的独立分支,试验分析表明这两个种应视为同一物种。
Some species of the genus Trametes are so similar in morphological characteristics that it's difficult to identify and separate these species based on traditional taxonomy. In this study, the ITS sequences including 5.8S gene from 34 Trametes strains were determined and used to construct a phylogenetic tree for phylogenetic analysis together with 17 reference sequences obtained from the GenBank database. The phylogenetic tree indicated that the Trametes group was separated from other groups and most strains of Trametes versicolor formed a single clade with a high percentage support. Furthermore, the strains of T. hirsuta and T. pubescens classified by traditional taxonomy clustered together in a highly supported clade according to the tree, which strongly implied that T. hirsuta and T. pubescens should be the same species.