水力滞留时间是反映水体水动力过程的重要参数,能直接或间接影响水体生物群落结构与动态.以珠海市6座调水水库为研究对象,于2013年1月和11月进行浮游动物样品采集,同时测定水体的理化因子,分析水力滞留时间对轮虫群落结构的影响.6座水库水力滞留时间为9-585 d,根据其水力滞留时间的长短可将6座水库分为3类,即直流型、中等水力滞留时间型和长水力滞留时间型.共检出浮游轮虫34种,其中臂尾轮科和异尾轮科占所检出种数的53%.6座水库轮虫种类基本一致,以热带龟甲轮虫(Keratella tropica)、螺形龟甲轮虫(K.cochlearis)和广布多肢轮虫(Polyarthra trigla)为优势种类.水库之间以及同一水库两次采样期间轮虫群落结构差异较大,Bray-Curtis相异系数为0.15-0.83.中等水力滞留时间水库两次采样期间轮虫群落的相异系数显著高于直流型水库(ANOVA,P=0.041)和长水力滞留时间水库(ANOVA,P=0.019),直流型水库和长水力滞留时间水库间差异不显著(ANOVA,P=0.435).由此说明,水力滞留时间是影响水库之间轮虫群落差异的重要因素,而营养水平则是影响轮虫群落动态变异的重要因素.
This study aimed to investigate the influence of water retention time on the structure and dynamics of rotifer communities in six pumped-storage reservoirs in Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province. We took zooplankton samples and determined the nutrient concentration in January and November 2013 in six reservoirs. The samples were identified and counted with microscope and anatomical lens; R program was used to analyze the data. All together thirty four species of rotifer were observed, among which 53% species belonged to Brachionidae and Trichocereidae. Rotifer species are similar in all the six studied reservoirs, with Keratella tropica, Keratella cochlearis, and Polyarthra trigla as the dominant species. However, there were great differences in rotifer community structure between reservoirs and two sampling periods in each reservoir, with Bray-Curtis dissimilarity ranging from 0.15 to 0.83. The dissimilarity of rotifer community in the reservoir with an intermediate retention time was significantly higher than through flowing reservoir (ANOVA, P = 0.041), and long retention time reservoir (ANOVA, P = 0.019), but there was no significant difference between the through flowing reservoir and long retention reservoir (ANOVA, P = 0.435). The results indicated that the water retention time is the main variable explaining the difference of rotifer community structure, and the nutrient level is the main factor influencing the temporal variation of rotifer communities.