将拼焊板技术应用于汽车轻量化设计,提出了基于拓扑优化的拼焊板轻量化设计方法。通过SIMP(solid isotropic material with penalization)法拓扑优化确定分块数目以及焊缝线位置。再以板件厚度作为设计变量,利用序列二次规划法进行多目标优化。运用该方法对某SUV车型后背门进行了轻量化设计,在保证拼焊板后背门各种刚度和模态性能指标的前提下,达到了轻量化的效果。具有工程实际意义。
The tailor-welded blank technology is applied in automobile lightweight design. A new method is generated, which is based on lightweight design for tailor-welded blank by topology optimization. The number and location of weld lines is by the SIMP ( solid isotropic material with penalization) method topology optimization. With the thickness of the components as the design variables, the series quadratic programming (SQP) method is used to do the research about multi-objective optimization. This method is applied in the lightweight design of a SUV's rear door, achieving goal of the lightweight, under the premise of performance of TWB rear door, including the stiffness and modal. The study has significance in engineering project.