Field investigation over many years has found 35 species (including varieties) and 17 genera of Cyanophyta in the salt lake region of Yuncheng County,Shanxi province ,and the species and genera consist of 19 species and 9 genera of Chroococcaceae, 1 genus and 1 species of Rivulariaceae, 12 species and 4 genera of Oscillatoriaceae,and three species and three genera of Nostocaceae. The waters of the region fall into four types according to their salt contents,fresh waters (with salt content at 0. 001 %-0.05 %),mesohalinous waters (with salt content at 0.05%-3%),euhalinous waters (with salt content at 3%-4%) and polyhalinous waters (with salt content at 4%- 34. 7%). Because of salt influences on Cyanophyta, Cyanophyta distribution remarkably differ among different waters,increasing in Cyanophyta species and genus numbers with increased salt content and coming to null with polyhalinous water. Compared with the distributions of Cyanophyta in other three salt lakes of China ,Cyanophyta distributions in polyhalinous wa ters is more similar than those in freshwaters.