Based on traditional innovation diffusion theories and methods and from the perspective of networks and combining in-fectious disease model, innovation diffusion mechanism of software industrial virtual cluster is discussed. Due to the geographicaldispersion of software industrial virtual cluster, innovation diffusion activities are more complicated. According to the close degreeof contact between cluster members, innovation diffusion relationships between members are divided into three levels : innovationdiffusion between neighbors, members in the same sub-clusters and between members of different sub-clusters. Based on ideas ofinfectious diseases and considering the incubation period of innovation diffusion, members of Software Industrial Virtual Clusterare divided into four types : members of the potential innovation adoption, absorption and transformation of innovation, innovationadoption and innovation can be spread to other enterprises and the independent innovation. Innovation diffusion model of SoftwareIndustrial Virtual Cluster model is built based on the traditional model of infectious diseases to explore the influence of differentparameters on the innovation diffusion processes and unfold the law of innovation diffusion. The results show that neighbors havean obvious effect on innovation diffusion; increased Tingible coefficient and Latent coefficient increase innovation diffusion veloci-ty; Network structure of the cluster and diffusion hierarchy affect the number of innovation diffusion members and the appearancetime of maximum. Finally, Jiangsu virtual software park as an example is applied to test the correctness and applicability of themodel.