针对石化污泥中的细菌进行了454高通量分析,共得到11 488条序列.发现在相似度97%的水平上,样品的OTU丰度最高;经测序分析,石化污泥中共有细菌235个属,其中短小盒菌属最多,占到整个细菌菌群的28.39%,芽孢杆菌属占14.43%,属种丰度1.5%~10.0%的有9个属(占28.99%).这11个属被确定为优势菌群.通过对污泥优势菌群的分离培养,依据16S r RNA基因鉴定该11属有22个种,并用16S r RNA基因序列比对建立了优势菌株系统发育树.该优势菌群能分解石化污水污泥中的工业污染物,并以此污染物为营养和能源,进行相对旺盛的生命活动,成为对石化污染水体进行生物修复的宝贵菌种资源.
Bacterial diversity in petrochemical sludge was characterized and the 11 488 sequences were obtained from the samples by 454 pyrosequencing. The richest biodiversity of the bacteria (235 genera) occurred in petrochemical sludge at a threshold of 97% sequence similarity, i.e. 28.39% Parvularcula, 14.43% Bacillus and 28.99% other nine genera (each 1.5%-10.0% of the 235 genera respectively) which intended to be the dominant bacterial communities based on mass fraction of the 235 genera. The 16S rRNA gene identification of the dominant bacterial communities was implemented in the 11 genera, suggesting these bacteria were of 22 species when the dominant bacterial communities were isolated, cultured and purified in the medium repeatedly. Phylogenetic trees of the 22 species were established according to the 16S rRNA gene sequence homological comparison. The dominant bacterial communities were able to depend on industrial pollutants for their livelihood and could actively decompose the pollutants in petrochemical sewage and sludge. The 22 species will be precious resources of bioremediation for petrochemical sewage.