脂肪干细胞(ADSCs)具有成骨分化潜能,BMPs 可以通过其信号通路产生协同作用. 然而,BMPs 信号在ADSCs成骨过程中作用机理尚不明确. 通过增强BMPs信号,研究人员可运用多种方法促进脂肪干细胞向成骨方向分化. 本文将BMPs在脂肪干细胞成骨分化中的作用进行综述.
Adipose tissue-derived stem cells (ADSCs) have potential of differentiating to osteogenesis. During the pro-cess, BMPs have synergistic effects to promote the mesenchymal stem cells to osteogenesis differentiation through BMPs signaling. However, it remains unclear how the pleiotropic BMPs control osteogenic commitment of ADSCs. Various active agents and methods have been used to enhance and accelerate the osteogenesis of ADSCs through promoting BMP signal-ing. In this review, we focus on the roles of BMPs in the osteogenesis of ADSCs.