负载均衡集群能够在多台网络设备之间合理分配业务量,使设备充分发挥其处理能力,得到了广泛应用。 Tomcat与Apache都可以作为独立运行的服务器来使用,但它们单独使用时存在一定的局限性。为了提高服务器的性能,本文将Tomcat与Apache在Linux环境下进行集成,分析负载均衡集群的架构,详细阐述方案的实现过程。测试结果表明按照该过程能够实现负载均衡集群。
Load balancing cluster can reasonably allocate traffic among multiple network devices , enable the device to its full processing capacity , which has been widely applied .Tomcat and Apache can be used as stand-alone server , however , some limitations exist when they are used alone .To improve the performance of the server , the article integrated Tomcat with Apache based on Linux OS, analyzed the load balancing cluster architecture , and described the specific implementation program .Test results show that the load balancing cluster can be achieved according to the process .