Jiuduansha Shoal is originated in 1954 due to a flood which caused the Tongsha Tidal Flat tentatively isolated, initiating this new estuarine island in the Changjiang Estuary. During the past half century, in general sense the size, volume, and elevation of the Jiuduansha Shoal have been increased, although in some years, because of insufficient sediment offering or strong dynamics from flow and wave and tidal currents, the size and elevation might be decreased. Based on the data of water and sediment discharge during 1950 - 2003 from the Datong Hydraulic Station, the field survey in 2003, as well as the digitized sea chart and satellite images, it has shown that the Jiuduansha Shoal is in the process changing from an estuarine shoal to an estuarine island. The analysis of short column section collected in inter-tidal between these two zones, with that zone and supratidal zone has shown in the former 0. 74cm/a, and the that the sedimentation rate is different latter 3.34cm/a. The vegetation on Jiuduansha Shoal is in its natural state, with simple composition and low diversity. Phragmites occupying the upper inter-tidal zone and supra-tidal zone. Along with the development of the shoal, th is in the course of changing from a wetland one to a terrestrial one. dominates, e vegetation