在我国,多层砌体结构是应用最为广泛的结构形式之一,其设计的重要性也值得关注。GB50011—2001《建筑抗震设计规范》给出了抗震区砌体结构的设计准则,GB 50003—2001《砌体结构设计规范》是抗震区与非抗震区砌体结构的设计指导准则,与前者相比,GB 50003—2001涵盖的非抗震区砌体结构在限制结构的高度、层数、高宽比、圈梁和构造柱等方面存在值得商榷之处,对此提出修改建议。
The design of multistory masonry structure is particular important,because it is one type of the most practical constructions in our country.GB 50011-2001"Code for Seismic Design of Buildings"is the design code for anti-seismic zone and GB 50003-2001"Code for Design of Masonry Structures"is one for both non-earthquake protection region and anti-seismic zone,but compared with the former,the latter is not strict enough in some constrains which would be worth to be discussed.As a result,this paper suggests doing necessary advancement.