报道了中国大陆新记录种——拟纤枝真藓(Bryum petelotii Ther.et Henr.)在贵州、云南的分布;描述了本种的形态特征和地理分布,并讨论了本种与相近种真藓(Bryum argenteum Hedw.)和纤枝短月藓[Brachyrnenium exle(Doz.et Molk.)Bosch et Lac.]的关系;基于文献和相关标本的研究,阐述并讨论了OchiH.和B.C.Tan等关于该种分类地位的观点,并赞同将拟纤枝真藓置于真藓属(Bryum Hedw.)的观点。
Bryum petelotii Ther. et Henr. , a moss species found in Yunnan Province and Guizhou Province in our recently research, was firstly recorded in Mainland China. A description of this species, as well as its taxonomic features and distributions, was presented in this paper. Meanwhile, the comparison among B. petelotii and its related species, Bryum argenteum and Brachymenium exile, was also conducted. Based on literature and evidences from specimens examination, the authors discussed two standpoints on the systematic and evolutional positions supported by H. Ochi and B. C. Tan on B. The opinion that B. petelotii belongs to Bryum Hedw. was supported in the paper The voucher specimens were deposited in the herbarium of Hebei Normal University (HBNU).