Based on a meta-analysis of international and Chinese studies, we reviewed developments into the relationship between phytoplankton and river habitats. The analysis showed a close relationship between the features of phytoplankton and river habitats among various types of rivers. It has been universally proved from both theoretic research and applied case studies that features of phytoplankton can be used as effective indicators to show the health of mid-to downstream river water ecosystems with slower flow velocity and wider riverbeds. Basic and systematic research into phytoplankton and river habitats is still limited in China, and lacks integration. More field investigations are needed, as is support from laboratories and a database of phytoplankton. Future research trend will likely focus on the classification of phytoplankton with emphasis on functional types, and applications of this classification to the assessment of water ecosystem health. In order for Chinese research to reach an international level we recommend integrating all research results related to phytoplankton already conducted in various lakes and river ecosystems in China,reinforcing systematic research into the relationship between phytoplankton and habitat, and developing China' s own classification system based on functional types.