Based on an investigation into the riparian vegetation along Dongjiang River, this paper revealed the features of alpha and beta diversities in riparian communities. The environmental factors influencing the communities were also examined using multivariate regression analysis, redundancy analysis (RDA) and general additive model (GAM) methods. Four alpha diversity indices and four invasion indices were included in our analysis. The results show that the four alpha diversity indices appeared in similar forms, revealing a uniform upward trend from the lower- to mid- to upper-reaches, except for the Patrick index that did not pass the significance test. Beta diversity as revealed by the Bray-Curtis index showed only a weak similarity between and among the communities from one sample site to another. Variations in species composition among communities along the riparian zone were caused by environmental factors such as the geographical features of latitude and elevation, soil physical and chemical features of total phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen (TN), and pH. All invasion indices shown in the ordination diagram expressed a clear trend, from the left to the right, and hence separated the sample sites into the lower reach cluster (with abundant alien species and lower diversity), middle reach cluster (with moderate alien species and moderate diversity) and upper reach cluster (with fewer alien species and higher diversity). These results suggest that human activities, at least in the lower reaches, are the main reasons for habitat and species composition changes in communities and invasion by alien species.