Ramie (Boehmeria) is a common perennial herb. Raw jute can be obtained by scraping off the skin of ramie stem, while its leaves cannot be utilized effectively, which results in a large degree of resourcewasting. In this study, the properties, morphologies, structure and components of ramie leav es were characterized by static contact angle (CA), scanning electronic microscope (SEM) and fou rier transform infrared spectrophotometer (FTIR) for the first time. The results indicated that the ramie leaves had good hydrophobicity and lipophilic performances. The saturated absorption capacities of ramie leaf could reach 6. 8 g/g. Therefore, ramie leaf can be used as adsorbent to remove oil pollution to clean up and protect the environment. It possesses good oil keeping capacity and can prevent the oil from leak and secondary pollution during the transfer of adsorbent. Meanwhile, we suggested a possible mechanism to explain the hydrophobicity and lipophilic properties of the ramie leaf, which could pro vide some experience for later development and application. The lipophilic properties of ramie leaves are mainly related to their mesh hollow structure, the hydrophobic properties are related to the surfaceroughness. The presence of plant wax is contributed to both lipophilic and hydrophobic performance of ramie ]eaves.