The diffraction limit of traditional optical device greatly restricts the further development of optical super-resolution systems.It is a great challenge to overcome the diffraction limit at a device level,and achieve label-free far-field superresolution imaging.Optical super-oscillation provides a new way to realize super-resolution since it allows the generation of arbitrary small structures in optical fields in the absence of evanescent waves.The researches of optical super-oscillation and super-oscillatory optical devices have grown rapidly in recent decades.Optical super-oscillation and super-oscillatory optical devices have been demonstrated theoretically and experimentally to show great potential applications in labelfree far-field optical microscopy,far-field imaging and high-density data storage.In this paper,we gives a broad review of recent development in optical super-oscillation and super-oscillatory optical devices,including basic concepts,design tools and methods,testing techniques for super-oscillatory optical field,and their applications.