Using the transfer matrix method,the transmission properties of one-dimension photonic quantum well(AB)m(ABCBA)n(BA)m with mirror symmetric structure is studied.Results show that with the increase of n,(2n-1)resonance transmission peaks appear in the transmission spectra of photonic quantum well(AB)5(ABCBA)n(BA)5,and quantization effect is obvious.Strong electric field appear in the internal field quantum well.When n=1,the intensity of internal electric field of light quantum-well(AB)m(ABCBA)1(BA)m increases with m,while m=5,intensity of internal electric field light quantum well(AB)5(ABCBA)n(BA)5 don′t change with the change of n,but local area expands.These optical transmission properties provide guidance for the design of new optical device of photonic crystal.