Xiao-Li Huang received her M.S. degree in algebra and coding from Wuhan University in 2004. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate of Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Her current interests include design and analvsis of stream cipher algorithms.E-mail:huangxiaoli@is.iscas.ac.cn Chuan-Kun Wu received his Ph.D. degree in engineering in 1994. He is currently a professor at Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sci- ences. He served as a program committee member, program committee chair, and organizing committee chair for a number of international conferences. He is a member of International Association for Cryptology Research, and a senior member of IEEE. His current interests include design and analysis of cryptographic algorithms, design and analysis of network security protocols.E-mail:ckwu@is.iscas.ac.cn