‘短花云丰’是实生芽变选育的板栗新品种,属于中国栗华北品种群,坚果均重8.2 g,总糖20.5%,淀粉31.10%,蛋白质5.7%,脂肪0.25%。该品种的雄花序短小,均长2.07 cm,仅为正常花序的1/8,结果母枝平均抽生结果枝3.26个,结果枝平均结总苞1.58个,总苞平均含坚果2.6粒,出实率39.1%,是适于山地及瘠薄地区栽培的优良品种。
A new variety of Chinese chestnut named ‘Duanhuayunfeng’ was selected from the North China Cultivar Group.Average weight of the nut is 8.2 g.The content of sugar,starch,portein and fat is 20.5%,31.1%,5.7% and 0.25% of the nut dry weigh respectively.Average length of its catkin is 2.07cm and about 1/8 of common cultivars’ catkin;each mother branch sprouts 3.26 fruitful shoots;the number of burs on each fruitful shoots is 1.58,each bur bears 2.6 nuts.The variety is capable of growing in mountainous or drought and barren regions.