Sorting genomes by translocations plays an important role in the research of genome rearrangement. Translocation is a prevalent rearrangement event in the evolution of multi-chromosomal species which exchanges ends between two chromosomes. Translocations include recip- rocal translocations and non-reciprocal translocations. Translocation sorting problem asks to find a shortest sequence of translocations to transform one genome into another. Several polynomial algorithms have been presented, all of them only allowing reciprocal translocations. Thus they can only be applied to a pair of genomes having the same set of chromosome ends. Such a restriction can be removed if non-reciprocal translocations are also allowed. In this paper, the authors study for the problem of sorting by generalized translocations, which allows both reciprocal and non-reciprocal translocations, and present a polynomial-time algorithm for this problem, in which the problem of sorting by generalized translocations is reduced in linear time to the problem of sorting by reciprocal translocations. This algorithm confirms Ozery-Flato's conjecture that sorting by generalized translocations could be solved in polynomial time.