The interaction between emotion and language has become a hot topic in the filed of affective neuroscience. On the one hand, emotion modulates language processing from the following three aspects: (1) The influence of embodied emotional information on language stimuli, including emotional words, sentences and discourses; (2) The influence of emotional context on language processing, including internal emotional state (e.g. depression, anxiety, happy and other types of mood) and external emotional background (e.g., emotional tone, emotional context, emotional picture / music); (3) The influence of internalized emotional reaction patterns (e.g., posture, face expression) on language processing. On the other hand, language influences emotional processing from the following three aspects: (1) The influence of semantic concept on emotion perception; (2) The influence of language instruction on emotional acquisition; (3) The role of language in emotion regulation. For future studies, the cognitive and neural basis underlying the interaction between emotion and language must be further investigated. Meanwhile, the scientific research should be linked to the education and clinical activity.