目的:脑震荡症状是脑损伤后常出现的症状,但别的人群也经常出现相似的症状,对脑震荡症状的原因及不同人群的症状进行总结。以期更深入了解脑震荡症状。 资料来源:中文文章在中国期刊网搜索,检索年限:1994/2005,检索词:“脑损伤”,“脑震荡症状”,英文文章在Sciencedirect和MedLine数据库搜索,检索年限:1993/2005,检索词:“postconcussion symptom”.“concussion”,“traumatic brain injury”.“head injury”。 资料选择:对资料进行初审,选择研究文献查找全文。纳入标准:研究的是脑震荡症状的情况,不论对象是脑损伤患者,非脑损伤患者,还是正常人。排除标准:(1)综述。(2)没有脑震荡症状相关的数据。 资料提炼:按照上述标准纳入文章30篇。 资料综合:在脑损伤患者中。引起脑震荡症状的原因比较多,一般是由生理因素和心理社会因素相互作用导致以及持续的;脑震荡症状在脑损伤患者,非脑损伤患者及正常人中都有较高的比率,在各个组内存在不一致的地方,可能原因有被试的选择标准不一致,问卷的选择不一致以及其他的混淆因素;说明在诊断脑损伤患者时,需要考虑到正常人的情况,要拿正常人的数据进行对比,所以弄清其在正常人中的基线是很重要的。 结论:脑震荡症状不仅仅存在于脑损伤患者中,要了解脑震荡症状在诊断和鉴别中的作用,还需要进行深入的研究。
OBJECTIVE: Postconcussion symptoms are the symptoms commonly occur after brain injury, but other populations often have similar symptoms. This article discussed the reasons of posteoneussion symptoms and summarized the symptoms in different populations, so as to better understand the postconcussion symptoms. DATA SOURCES: Chinese papers from 1994 to 2005 were searched on Chinese periodical web with the keywords of "brain" injury, postconcussion symptoms". English papers from 1993 to 2005 were searched in Sciencedirect and Medline databases with the keywords of "postconcussion symptom, concussion, traumatic brain injury, head injury". STUDY SELECTION: The data were checked firstly, and the full-texts of the research papers were found. Inclusive criteria: Those research papers were on postconcussion symptoms, no matter what the population was, all brain injury patients, non brain injury patients and healthy populations were included. Exclusive criteria: review and those papers without data on postconcussion symptoms. DATA EXTRACTION: Totally 30 articles were involved according to the above criteria. DATA SYNTHESIS: Results showed the etiology of postconcussion symptoms is various, physiological and psychosocial factors both contributed to the onset and persistence of posteoncussion symptoms; and the symptoms had high rates in all head injury, non-head injury and normal populations, difference existed in each population, reasons maybe the discrepancy of inclusive criteria, different questionnaires, and other confounding variables; it is suggested that when we diagnose head injuries, we need to consider the situation of normal people, and compare the data between head injury and normal, so the baseline rate of postconcussion symptoms in normal people was very important; and also other confounding variables should be considered in future research. CONCLUSION: Postconeussion symptoms exist not only in brain injury patients, in order to diagnose the brain