Experimental study of the two-proton correlated emission from the excited states of Ne-17,Ne-18 and
- ISSN号:0375-9474
- 期刊名称:Nuclear Physics A
- 时间:0
- 页码:450C-453C
- 语言:英文
- 相关项目:近库仑势垒能区核反应及其相关天体核过程研究
Hu, Z. G.|Yang, F.|Liu, Z. H.|Zhang, H. Q.|Lei, X. G.|Jia, H. M.|Zhang, X. Y.|Wang, J. S.|Wang, M.|Lin, C. J.|Xu, H. S.|Xiao, G. Q.|Jia, F.|Wu, Z. D.|Sun, Z. Y.|Zhang, S. T.|Xu, Z. G.|Xu, X. X.|Zhan,