In this study, through continuous pure cultivation in laboratory, we obtained diverse forms of microbial colonies. The morphological comparison between fossils of Ediacara biota and modern microbial colonies reveals similarities to dise-iike that (1) Aspidella shows microbial colonies in the body shape and the radial ridges on the surfaee; (2) the "rangeomorphs" shows similarity to micro- bial colonies with fractal-like branches structure in the branching structure; (3) Arkarua adarni shows similarity to pentagonal microbial colonies in the pentagonal body shape; (4) Kimberella shows similarity to disc-like microbial colonies with radial ridges at the edge in the disk-like body shape and the surface pattern; (5) Albumares brunsae shows similarity to microbial colonies with radial ridges on the surface. These results of comparative studies imply that microbial colonies can develop many shapes similar to some fossils of the Ediacaran biota. Therefore, this study provides a new possibili- ty to interpret affinities of numerous fossils from the Ediacara biota.