The author of this paper intends to offer a research review on the role and the influential factors of the biogenic volatile organic compounds(BVOCs). As is often the case, volatile hydrocarbons emitted by the plants do have both positive and negative effects on the human bodies. On the one hand, it is even a common sense that the BVOCs are endowed with the likely antibacterial and health-promotion functions ; on the other hand, they tend to promote the changes in the chemical composition in the atmosphere via a series of redox reac- tions, which enables the compounds to play a significant role in con- stituting ozone, CO and so on. It is just for all the above said advan- tages of the biogenic volatile organic compounds that attract the atten- tion from the scholars to making unremitting efforts to explore their functions and influential factors. However, the efforts of this paper would be only oriented to the summary of commentary reviews and the influential factors of BVOCs emission, in addition to the aspects that are promising and worthwhile for the future in-depth exploration, though the positive effects such as antiseptic bacteriostasis, and even their negative effects may not be so attractive for the contemporary re- searches. What is more, such influential factors of BVOCs emission, as the species differences, physiological factors, N factor, and the environmental external factors such as light, temperature, humidity, C02, ozone and stress still remain indifferent for some researchers. Instead, the present studies would be concentrated on the single fac- tor. And, last of a11, we do think it necessary to strengthen the stud- ies on the release mechanism of BVOCs and the analysis of the inter- action of some factors or others that tend to influence on the emission of BVOCs. It is thus of great importance to launch a in-depth study to estimate how to affect the regional and even the global climate by changing the regional emission pattern of BVOCs. And, finally, ef- forts are also needed to establish a