本文对电子显微三维重构技术(也称电镜三维重构,electron microscopy 3D reconstruction)进行简要介绍,并在此基础上对该技术当前研究的发展和前沿进行综述,包括高分辨率电镜三维重构、仪器设备性能突破、自动化数据收集和处理、高性能计算技术应用、二/三维图像处理技术的发展和创新、基于三维重构图的模型计算等方面,最后对电子显微三维重构技术的未来进行了展望。
The technology combining cryo-electron microscopy and three-dimensional reconstruction could be simply called electron microscopy 3D reconstruction and this technology has been developed quickly and applied widely in life science research recently. Here we gave a brief introduction of 3D reconstruction electron microscopy and then reviewed its current development and frontier such as high resolution electron microscopy 3D reconstruction, improved performance and innovation of electron microscopes, automatic data collection and processing pipeline, application of high performance computing technology, new progress on 2D/3D image processing techniques, structure modeling based on electron microscopy maps and etc. Finally, we concluded the perspective of electron microscopy 3D reconstruction.