Objective: To explore the effect of retinoic acid (RA), sonic hedgehog (Shh) and their mixture on in vitro differ- entiation of rat spinal cord derived neural stem cells into motor neuron like cells. Methods: Neural stem cells from the rat spinal cord were isolated and cultured in serum-free medium, labeled by 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU), and then identified by means of single or double irnmunofluorescence staining against nestin and neural cell specific antigens. After adding RA, Shh or their mixture, the differenatiation of neural stem cells into motor neuron like cells was detected. Results: Neural stem cells derived from the rat embryonic (El) 14) spinal cord expressed nestin. After being induced with RA, 20. 63% cells dis- played positive to CHAT, and increased to 66.84% when the additional Shh was added. No ChAT positive cell was found in Shh treated neural stem cells. Conclusion : Shh can enhance the capability of RA that induce the rat embryonic spinal cord derived neural stem cells into motor neuron like cells, though Shh cannot induce the neural stem cells into motor neuron like cells.