目的:研究RNA干涉(RNA interference,RNAi)抑制stathmin基因表达后对人白血病K562细胞体外增殖的作用。方法:将合成的寡核苷酸链退火形成双链,连接入经BamHI和HindIII双酶切后的pSilencer4.1-CMV neo真核表达载体。酶切及测序鉴定。脂质体法转染重组质粒入K562细胞,RT—PCR检测其对mRNA的干涉效果;MTT比色法检测K562细胞体外增殖能力。结果:经酶切及测序鉴定,成功构建重组质粒。RT—PCR显示所构建的干涉载体成功地抑制了目的基因的转录,同时细胞增殖活性降低。结论:RNA干涉成功抑制stathmin基因表达并使人白血病K562细胞体外增殖活性明显降低。
Objective:To study the RNA interference -mediated inhibition of stathmin gene on the proliferation of human leukemia K562 cells. Methods: Two target gene segments were synthesized and cloned into vector respectively to construct two recombinant eukaryotic expression vectors : pSilencer4.1 - CMV neo - S1 and pSilencer4.1 - CMV neo - S2. The two recombinant vectors were identified by enzyme digestion analysis and DNA sequencing. Then K562 cells were transfected with pSilencer4.1 -CMV neo -S1 and pSilencer4.1 -CMV neo -S2 , then subjected to Neomycin selection. In Neomycin - resistant cells, the interference effect was detected by RT - PCR. The proliferation of transfected K562 cells was examined by MTr assay. Results: Enzyme digestion analysis and DNA sequencing showed that the target segments were cloned into pSilencer4.1 - CMV neo vector respectively. The result of RT - PCR indicated that both vectors could knock down the transcription of stathmin gene. At the same time, the growth of transfected cells was decelerated. Conclusion: stathmin gene silencing by RNA interference contributed to a distinctive inhibition of the proliferation of human leukemia K562 cells in vitro.