2262 accessions of rice germplasm from Ting's Rice Germplasm Collection with 34 qualitive and 15 quantitative traits were applied to construct a core collection. By using three sampling strategies, three kinds of trait data, eight hierarchical clustering methods, and adjusted Euclidean distance, sixty nested core collection were compared to choose the optimal constructing strategies. The results showed that the sampling rate between 2.2%-9.9% was sufficient to retain the greatest genetic diversity of the initial population. The core collections constructed by integrated qualitative and quantitative trait data retained the greatest genetic diversity and was the best one. Based on the integrated qualitative and quantitative traits and adjusted Euclidean distances, the weighted pair-group average method or the un-weighted pair-group average method was the best strategy for constructing core collection. As a consequence, 150 accessions could serve as a core collection, accounting for 6.6% of the initial population. For the majority of the traits, the core collection had greater genetic diversity index and smaller variance of phenotypic frequency than the initial population. The rate of phenotype retained for the core collection reached 100%. Mean of all quantitative traits for the core collection and that of the initial population had no significant difference. The maxium value, mini- um value and range of the core collection were the same as those of the initial population. 150 accessions of rice core collection well represented the genetic diversity and genetic structure of the initial population.