Thickness uniformity can't be ignored in films preparation. Thickness ununiformity will cause low yield film production. Materials without good melting property will not be melted and digging effect will exhibit evidently when electronic beam irradiating on it. In this case, the assumption that emission characteristics of evaporation source is invariable adopted in other papers can't be satisfied any more. Considering that the evaporation source can be thought as containing lots of small plane evaporation source, a model for analyzing the influence of digging effect on films thickness uniformity has been established accordingly. Theoretical results reflect that the digging effect can affect thickness uniformity of films evidently. Digging effect doesnr t always cause thickness ununiforrnity of films. By designing appropriate configuration of the vacuum chamber and adopting appropriate parameters of technics, the thickness uniformity of films even can be improved to a certain extent by virtue of digging effect.