简评了国内外大气汞污染模拟相关研究情况,指出目前我国大气汞排放模拟及污染控制研究工作非常缺乏,严重影响了我国汞污染控制策略制定以及"汞环境外交纠纷"的积极应对;并据此建议应该对我国大气汞污染模拟及控制策略优化进行系统研究,其研究内容包括:汞排放清单的建立、大气汞的长程输送、响应面模型软件(response surface modeling-Hg,RSM-Hg)的研发、汞污染控制策略优化4个方面.阐述了基于"RSM-Hg"的"汞污染控制策略优化"研究方法及流程,并提出RSM-Hg的研发重点是可控源排放-汞污染水平响应表面模型(RSM)建模."中国大气汞污染模拟及控制策略优化"研究工作的开展,将有利于加深对汞科学及我国汞污染的现状和时空分布特征的理解,并将奠定多行业汞污染排放协同控制优化的科学基础.
Atmospheric mercury models are an ideal assessment tool that can be used to simulate the emissions,transformation,deposition,and the trans-boundary transport of mercury.Researches related to the atmospheric mercury modeling were reviewed.It is found that research in the modeling of mercury transport and its control are insufficient in China,which would undermines the formulation of mercury pollution control policy and the resolution of environmental disputes for mercury.It is suggested that more research in atmospheric mercury modeling and its emission control policy should be systematically carried out in China.The research context should include mercury emission estimate,long-range transport,response surface modeling-Hg(RSM-Hg) development,and emission control strategy optimization.The approaches of optimizing emission control strategies were discussed.The process of building the Response Surface Model between mercury emission and atmospheric mercury pollution was illustrated.The research of mercury emission control strategies will be aimed to improving our understanding in mercury fate and transport as well as the state of mercury pollution,and to providing the scientific basis for mercury emission control in China.