在固定的坐标系下,建立了地壳垂直运动与地球外部重力场变化的数学模型.根据此模型,将中国西部地区(经度80°~97.5°,纬度27.5°~47.5°)按2.5°×2.5°划分成(8行7列)共56个直立长方体,以2008年1月和2009年1月的GRACE(Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment)卫星数据计算地球外部重力场变化,基于PS0算法( Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm)反演中国西部地区地壳垂直运动速率.反演结果表明中国西部地壳垂直运动具有整体不均匀的特点,总的趋势是南升北降.在南部喜马拉雅山脉地壳上升幅度最大,速率达10mm/a;在北部准噶尔盆地的南部地壳垂直运动速率-3~-5mm/a,向北沉降速率有加大趋势,最大速率为-9mm/a.
The model between the gravity changes in the external Earth and the crust vertical movement is established in a fixed coordinates system . According to this model, the velocity of crustal vertical movement in China's western region were computed with January 2008 and January 2009 GRACE Data, based on PSO(Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm). China's western region was divided into (eight row and seven column) fifty-six Erect cuboids with the 2.5°×2. 5° resolution. Results show that the vertical of crust movement characteristics is non-uniform in China's western region. On the whole, the trend is rising in the south and subsiding in the north. The crust of Himalayas is rising, the biggest rate can reach 10 mm/a. In the southern Junggar Basin, the vertical crustal movement rate was between -3-- -5 mm/a. The sedimentation rate northward trended to increase with the maximum rate of -9 mm/a.