Urbanization and urban human settlement environment development level is an important part of sustainable urban development.Degree of coordi-nation between population urbanization and urban human settlement environment was evaluated by the methods of Dynamic Analytic hierarchy process (DAHP) and Degree of Coordination Model (DOCM) for 25 key cities in Yangtze River Delta. The results showed the following two findings: (1) The degree of coordination is graduallyraised in research period, and the majority of cities’ degree of coordination lies on the stage of mid and high coordination, others lies on low or extremely high stage; (2) The better level of economic development the better degree of coordination for some cities, the lower level of economic de-velopment belongs to low or extremely high degree of coordination, and there was no enough evidence to confirm the firmly relationship between economic de-velopment and the coordination; (3) There is positive relations between coor-dination degree and urbanization, urban human settlement environment develop-ment level and comprehensive economic strength.