哈尼稻作梯田系统是联合国粮农组织认定的全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)之一.该系统成功抵御了2009~2010年,60年一遇的大旱,从而备受科学家的关注.哈尼梯田的森林生态系统作为重要的水源地,在抵抗极端干旱事件的过程中发挥了重要作用,因此对其森林生态系统水源涵养功能及其影响因素的研究具有重要意义.本文通过野外实验与室内分析相结合的方法对森林生态系统雨季的水源涵养功能进行了研究.研究结果表明:1同一林种,因为坡度、坡向、海拔高度、土壤质地和地表覆被等立地条件的不同,其不同土层重量含水量差异显著,且变化规律各异;2云南松、华山松、桤木、杂木和杉木的雨季水源涵养量分别为3053.48 t/hm2、5336.12 t/hm2、4537.65 t/hm2、6044.23 t/hm2和2899.02 t/hm2.本文通过对各优势树种水源涵养能力的研究,能够为水源涵养林树种的选择提供依据,并为有效保护哈尼稻作梯田系统提供科学基础.
The Hani Rice Terraces System is one of the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems( GIAHS) sites. This system successfully resist the extreme drought event during 2009-2010. The reason is that the forest ecosystem of this system has the important function of water conservation providing plenty water resources for the system which plays an important role in maintaining its stability and sustainability development,so it is of great significance to study on the water conservation function of forest. Based on the field survey and experimental analysis,the water conservation function of forest ecosystem has been studied. The result shows that the soil water content( SWC) of different soil layers are different for varieties of trees species,slope,aspect,altitude,soil texture,land cover,etc; the water conservation amounts of pinus yunnanensis,pinus armandi,alnus cremastogyne,miscellaneous tree and Chinese fir are 3053. 48 t / hm2,5336. 12 t/hm2,4537. 65 t/hm2,6044. 23 t/hm2 and 2899. 02 t / hm2,respectively. Study on the water conservation function of the dominant tree species in the forest ecosystem has provided scientific basis for the choice of tree species,and it is of great importance for the dynamic conservation and adaptive management of this system. The sustainable development of this system will be ultimately achieved.