本文旨在筛选出一系列适合描述哈尼梯田景观格局的指数.我们从面积与边缘、形状、核心面积、隔离度/临近度、聚集度、多样性6个方面选取了47个景观指数,基于ArcGIS平台,将土地利用图矢量数据转化成栅格数据,栅格大小由30m×30m,以5m为间隔,增加至175m×175m,共计30幅土地利用图.运用SPSS软件,通过Pearson相关分析,47个景观格局指数分为21个小组,组内指数的两两相关性都在90%以上.每组选取代表性的指数,进行主成分分析,得出前5个主成分的方差变量能够占总方差变量的93%.选取旋转后各分量中具有最大相关性的5个景观结构指数来表达主成分的5个因子分别是分散指数(Splitting index [SPLIT]),斑块面积分布方差指数(Patch area distribution [AREA_CV]),香农多样性指数(Shannon's diversity index [SHDI]),几何最近邻距离加权平均值指数(Euclidean nearest neighbor distance distribution [ENN_AM]),总核心面积指数(Total core area [TCA]).考虑到哈尼梯田的实际景观特征并结合前人的研究成果,我们增加平均分维数(Patch fractal dimension distribution [FRAC_MN])作为第6个指数.由于景观指数具有尺度效应,我们通过景观格局指数与尺度变化关系图,计算得出红河哈尼梯田景观格局指数的尺度域为40-45m之间.通过分维分析法,识别出哈尼梯田的特征格局在40-45m之间,即研究哈尼梯田的景观格局的最适宜栅格大小为40-45m之间.通过研究,我们认为以上6个景观指数能够反映哈尼梯田的景观格局特征,同时也可以运用这6个指数来描述类似哈尼梯田的景观格局.
This study seeks to isolate a select group of landscape metrics particularly well-suited for describing the Hani Terrace in southwest of China.We examined the response of 47 landscape metrics to a large range of imagery grain sizes.Based on a correlation analysis,the original 47 metrics were placed into 21 groups such that all metrics within a group were strongly correlated with each other with a value of more than 0.9,and were represented by a single descriptor.Using these cross-sectional metrics in the context of principal components analysis,we found that five factors explained almost 93% of the total variation in the landscape pattern.The highest loadings for these five factors were the Splitting index (SPLIT),Patch area distribution (AREA_CV),Shannon's diversity index (SHDI),Euclidean nearest neighbor distance distribution (ENN_AM),and Total core area (TCA),respectively.Considering the real landscape,we added the Patch fractal dimension distribution (FRAC_MN) as the sixth landscape pattern metric.As the scale effect of landscape pattern metrics we design to investigate how a suite of commonly use landscape metrics respond to changing grain size.Based on the anlasis,we determined that the best domain of scale to characterise the Hani Terrace pattern metrics is between 40m and 45m.Through the fractal method,we found that the characteristic scale of the Hani Terrace is the same as the scale domain of metrics,among the 40m and 45m.We suggest that the majority of the patterns in the Hani Terrace landscapes,indeed for all those in southwest China,can be described effectively with these six metrics.