针对《建筑边坡工程技术计规范》(GB 50330—2013)中的一些问题进行了讨论。指出该规范的一些不足、不当及不对之处。指出关于锚杆的抗拉和从砂浆中的抗拔设计应当使用分项系数法,而不是安全系数法;在安全系数法设计中,抗力应使用极限抗力的标准值,而非设计值。该规范所列的一些主动土压力计算的半经验公式,主要是源于无限斜坡的朗肯土压力理论解,但主动土压力的方向不正确,会造成较大的误差。在饱和黏性土边坡的稳定分析中,使用饱和重度与固结不排水强度指标的水土合算是错误的,有害的。
Some discussions on "Technical code for building slope engineering(GB 50330-2013)" are presented and some deficient, unsuitable and incorrect parts of the code are indicated. In checking the tensile strength of reinforcing bar (anchor wire) and the cohesive strength between reinforcing bar (anchor wire) and mortar in anchor engineering, the partial factor method but not the safety factor method is applicable and reasonable. In the safety factor method, using the characteristic value of the limit resistance but not the design value is correct. Some semi-empirical equations for the active earth pressure on the retaining wall are based on Rankine's earth pressure theory for infinite soil slope in which the active earth pressure must be parallel to slope surface not perpendicular to wall surface. In the stability analysis of saturated clay slope, the combined calculation of water and soil pressure by means of the saturation unit weight and the CU shear strength parameters is wrong and harmful in engineering practice.