为了研究青海湖东普氏原羚(Procapra przezoalskii)生境地不同草地类型微量元素变化状况,在夏、秋、冬3季对7个主要草地类型的混合牧草中Cu、Mn、Fe、Zn、Mo和Se6种微量元素的含量进行测定,利用费歇法判别分析,对普氏原羚生境地不同季节不同草地类型牧草作了定量分析,找出代表草地类型变化的主要微量元素。结果表明,判别方法真实有效,除冷蒿(Artemisis frigida)草地外,Mo元素是代表草地类型变化的主要微量元素,所建立模型可以作为与其他地区相同草地类型的鉴别依据。
To identify the main trace elements of different types grassland from habitat of Przewalskl's gazelle in east area of Qinghai Lake, the Fisher Discriminate Analysis was used to quantify the forage value by measuring the copper, manganese, iron, zinc, selenium and molybdenum content of mixed forage samples during summer, autumn, and winter. This study showed that test method was credible and effective, indicating that the molybdenum was the main trace element responding to grassland types except for Artemisis frigida grassland type. The established model could be used to identify the grassland type in the other regions.