Twin-arc structure is usually used for connection tunnels and tunnels of short to medium lengths, and the main structure is often constructed in a slope, in addition to front and side slopes nearby tunnel portal. The excavation section is large, and the construction procedure is complicated, which causes the surrounding rock disturbed several times and thus significantly affect the stability of tunnel slope. Under extreme adverse conditions, landslide may be triggered. The modes of interaction between a twin-arc tunnel and slope include : ( 1 ) tunnel is located far below from potential landslide surface; (2)tunnel goes across the potential landslide surface, (3)tunnel is located far above from potential landslide surface and close to top of slope; and(4)tunnel is located far above from potential landslide surface and close to slope base. When the potential landslide surface can be determined and tunnel goes across it, a modified method of stability analysis is developed to evaluate the influence of tunnel construction to slope, whereas if landslide surface cannot be determined in advance, numerical method is employed. Calculation results indicate that the construction of a twin arc tunnel will significantly affect the stability of slope, and for 3-pilot construction method, excavating the pilot tunnel farfrom the mountain first is more advantageous.